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Bitget Token

 BGB  Rank #62
ATH  30.0% 01 Jun 2024  3.7%
$1.00 24Hr Range $1.04
  •  24hr  3.7% 
  •  7d  0.8% 
  •  14d  13.1% 
  •  30d  10.3% 
  •  60d  14.9% 
  •  200d  22.4% 
  •  1y  130.2% 
Bitget Token (BGB) has recently migrated from their [link]"target="_blank">old contract to a [link]"target="_blank">new contract. For more information, please visit this [link]"target="_blank">post.
  • Circulating Supply1.4B
  • Total Supply2B
  • Max Supply2B
  • Fully Diluted Valuation$2.095B
  • Market Cap$1.467B
  • Rank#62
  • 24Hr Change $48.47M
  •  3.4%
  • Price $1.05
  • Trading Volume $32.83M
  • 24Hr Low/High$1.00 / $1.04
  • 24Hr Change $0.0374
  •  3.7%
  • All Time High $1.48
  • 01 Jun 2024  30.0%
  • All Time Low $0.0143
  • 25 Jun 2020  7,152.1%
  • Last Updated: 05 Oct 2024 19:58:37
  • 5 seconds ago
  • Powered by CoingeckoPowered by Coingecko

Bitget Token is currently trading at a price of USD $1.05 with a 24-hour trading volume of $32.83M. In the past 24 hours the price of Bitget Token is  $0.0374. With a circulating supply of 1.4B from a total supply of 2B.


BGB (Bitget Token) is the native utility token of Bitget. BGB has made adjustments for the rights and interests of the application. BGB has multiple use cases within the Bitget ecosystem. Besides being used by traders to get discounts on trading fees, BGB can also be used as proof of rights and interests for users of different levels, and as a social token for the interaction between fans and copy traders.

  • Country of Originn/a
  • Genesis Date n/a
  • Platform Ethereum  
  • Hashing Algorithm n/a
  • Block Timen/a
 Good Liquidity
 Fair Liquidity
 Unknown Liquidity (not enough data available)

* Anomaly - Trading price is an outlier against the average
** Inactive - No trades in the last 3 hours

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